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Beer Glasses

Categories: NewsStars: 3Stars Visit: - Release time: 2014-09-09 17:37:00
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Beer glasses comprise some of the most identifiable and cherished drinkware, with drinking establishments or beer manufacturers frequently emblazoning their logo on the side of the glass. The infamous “pint” glass is a large, tall glass that comes in two sizes: a 16 ounce or 20 ounce glass. Some pint glasses taper upwards in a steady, uninterrupted line, while the pub version of the pint glass features a gradual curvature with a small “bump” towards the top to make it easier to grip.

The pilsner beer glass has the most variety, with three main types: the standard, the footed, and the Weizen. The standard flairs in and then expands upward so that its rim is larger in diameter than its base. The footed features a small, thick stem with an expanding cylinder on top. The Weizen is similar to the standard, except instead of curves it has a more precise, angular presentation.

In some countries (like Germany or Austria) exceptionally long, thin beer glasses known as steins may be employed. Not all steins are made from glass, however, and most incorporate another material, like steel, aluminium or ceramics.

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